Choose blessing!

Choose blessing!

When God brought Israel to the Jordan to cross over to the promised land and charged them with the Law, He clearly placed before them the curse and the blessing. The curse for disobedience spoke of terrible hardships and the blessing brought great rewards. It seemed obvious that one would gladly choose to obey and be blessed. But God knew better. Why did He have to plead with them to choose the blessing? Because He knew that wrongdoing would bring momentary pleasure and greater satisfaction than doing what is right. Sin always makes us lose our mind. Israel was given the Law in stone tablets and it was before them always. But they chose to disobey and tested the patience of God. How much more easy it is for the world to ignore the voice of the conscience and plunge deep into the morass of sin and sensuousness. Even we who have had the touch of God in our hearts can go into idolatry of the mind if we fail to sanctify Christ in our hearts at all times. Let us choose Christ everyday.

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