Do not be deceived!

Do not be deceived!

Because of the way God has created man and has given him the right to self determination, there are certain things that God just cannot do, or to put it more accurately – will not do. He will not force any person to bow down to His will but He will one day judge everyone who did not do it. He allows man to go his own way (while putting boundaries on it) becasue of the freedom of choice granted to mankind. For this very reason, even a child of God has to take steps to understand what God wants from him. If he is wayward and is disciplined by God, he has to understand that the situation that he is going through is for him to examine his life closely. If he continues to remain hard-hearted, then there is nothing more that God will do. God is not going to force him to bow his knee at any cost because that would violate His own decision. God has many creative ways of making man see the folly of his own way but He will not cross that inviolable line which would take away that freedom of choice. The worst that can happen to us is for God is stop interfering in our lives.This is a point of paramount concern for us more than anything else and it makes it very needful to weigh and to judge our lives with utmost seriousness. We cannot afford to make our lives go waste and be deceived into thinking that God will fill in the gaps and plugs all the leaks while we just need to pray ‘Thy Will be done’ and leave the rest to God.

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