What if Jesus had slept…!?

What if Jesus had slept…!?

In the garden of Gethsemane, why did Jesus pray like that? Why did He want to decline from the journey ahead? Surely it was not a prayer that came out of weakness. The rebuke to His disciples gives us the clue. It was a sign of His humanity. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  We have to conclude that more than not wanting to do the will of God, it is also possible to want to do it and still not be able to do it. Here is a perfect human without a sin nature and he had to pray earnestly so that He would not falter or give up. What happened to the disciples because they did not pray? Why was Jesus sweating drops of blood? Because the tension was unbearable. The temptation was severe. Most of us do not face severe temptations. We give up very easily. But He did not. He was not praying for us there. He was fighting for Himself so that He would be able to fulfill the will of God. To put it in other words, He prayed so that He would not try to save Himself because that was His biggest temptation. What if Jesus had slept along with His disciples? God forbid such a thought!

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